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Free Learning Resources

Free Summer Learning Resources

Kdg. & 1st Grade Links

Amplify Reading:


2nd & 3rd Grade Links


Amplify Reading:


Other free resources

The SWIFTLETS will include soil/water information and learning activities related to a weekly theme that parents can immediately utilize at home. Activities will be aligned with Ohio’s New Learning Standards for Earth and Space Sciences and Life Sciences.

May 4 - September 4, 2020.  Get ready for an all-new Scholastic Summer Read-a-Palooza experience!  This year, kids can build their avatar, make new friends, earn virtual rewards, and help unlock donations for kids with limited or no access to books by starting and keeping “reading streaks” in Scholastic Home Base when they read every day over the summer!

They will be doing curbside service soon AND you may also download ebooks on their website for free with a LIBRARY CARD!!
Free access to Bookflix which gives students two books - 1 fiction and 1 nonfiction on the same, cool topic!!
An assortment of popular on-line books arranged by grade level!!
A free social network for kid’s to exchange comments and reviews of books!

The International Children's Digital Library Foundation (ICDL) is a free online library of digitized children's books in 59 languages from various countries.  Choose books by age, length, even color of the cover!!!

Geo Kids makes it fun to explore your world!! From weird, wacky animals to cool science and funny pets!!
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