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Every Ranger Every Reason Every Day



District Offices

Human Resources 
Our Deputy Superintendent/Human Resources Director is Dr. Josh Conley. Dr. Conley's responsibilities cover a wide range of areas in our district including, but not limited to, evaluating the effectiveness of Head Principals, Business and Operations Director, Technology Director, and our Residency/Enrollment Administrative Assistant/Homeless Liaison. In addition to overseeing Human Resources, Dr. Conley works closely with building administrative teams, and our Office of Teaching and Learning to ensure effective practices aimed at increasing student success are implemented consistently throughout the district. He also serves as the Chief Administrative Officer in the absence of the Superintendent. 

Our Director of Operations and Safety is Mr. Ryan Fitzgerald. Mr. Fitzgerald is responsible for oversight in many areas of our district including, but not limited to, Facilities, Grounds, Transportation, Maintenance, Health and Safety, Food Service, Classified Staff, and Construction/Renovation of district property.

Hamilton Local Schools Athletic Department features new athletic facilities and thirteen varsity sports. This department is led by our Director of Athletics Matt Thompson.

Our Office of Teaching and Learning is directed by our Chief Academic Officer, Dr. Emily Jablonka. This department is responsible for all areas of the district's academic programming and staffing. Dr. Jablonka manages the CCIP, interprets district data, supports the HLS ELL and Gifted programs, and directs the College and Career Program, which includes Ranger Pathways.

Hamilton Local School District's Special Education Department is led by Ryan Woods. We provide special education services for students with disabilities between the ages of three and twenty-two.

The Hamilton Local Schools Technology Department is dedicated to providing the technology and support necessary to educate our students for the technical world of today and tomorrow. Adam Beggrow is our Director of Technology.

This office handles all of the district's media relations, website content management, and internal & external communications. Our Public Relations Director, Michael Sutherland, oversees the operations of this office.

Hamilton Local's Financial Office includes Brian Wilson, Treasurer; Michelle Ekers, Accounts Payable; Allison Molinar, Accounts Receivable; Amy Wilson, Payroll Clerk
Our district offers a centralized enrollment program for new students. To schedule your registration appointment, or if you have questions, please call 614-491-8044 ext. 1239 to reach this department.

Our transportation department handles all coordination and implementation of transportation procedures and policies. Leading the way in this department is the Transportation Coordinator, Ms. Tami May.
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