As a lifelong community member of Hamilton Township, I am very proud to serve the children and families at Hamilton Elementary School. I graduated from Hamilton Township High School in 1986 and worked as a secretary at Hamilton Township High School from 1987 until 1990 and decided to become a teacher. I attended and worked at Columbus State Community College until I earned my Bachelor’s degree from Ohio Dominican College in 1993. I began teaching at Hamilton Middle School as an Intervention Specialist and earned a Master’s Degree from the University of Dayton in 1998. I am licensed as a School Counselor and have certification in Supervision and Special Education.
My passion is working with children and families. I am very fortunate that I live in the community where I have built my career. My job is to support all elementary students, act as a liaison with outside agencies, and be a resource person for teachers, parents, and guardians. I visit classrooms to teach social emotional skills and work with students individually to help them learn social and communication skills. I talk with students to help identify and manage emotions, big and small. Even though I have been in the field of education for 30+ years, I learn new things daily. Your children and our families make Hamilton Township the best place to live and work.
Collett Hayes
Hamilton Elementary School Counselor
Collett Hayes, School Counselor
614-491-8044 x 1317
[email protected]