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Mrs. Karen Schutte selected as the...
Dr. Conley,
I am writing to inform you that Karen Schutte has been selected as Franklin Soil and Water Conservation District’s Environmental Educator of the Year for 2020.  Franklin Soil and Water recognizes an educator each year that goes above and beyond their normal duties to introduce students to environmental issues and awareness. Karen earned this recognition for her coordination of Right to Read Week each year, inviting guests like Franklin Soil and Water Conservation District to be part of the programming. Creating a schedule to include all of the classes for a grade level in one day is no easy task, as you know, yet she makes it happen each year. The Coordination of an evening program so families can benefit from these resources is also a component of that week which we appreciate. While these programs were not able to happen in 2020, her efforts to coordinate and prepare for these educational opportunities did not go unnoticed.
We also recognize that Karen has not let the craziness of the current school year stop her creativity. She has taken the initiative to research native plant and garden projects with the hopes of being able to create an outdoor learning space for students and classes at her school. This “think outside the box” enthusiasm to encourage students and teachers to use an outdoor space for instruction, takes the goal of supporting opportunities for lifelong learning, beyond the Media Center. Additionally, Karen has shared Franklin Soil and Water’s SWIFTlet lessons with the classes in the building. Her consistent commitment to bridging the gap between science and language arts is commendable.
Franklin Soil and Water Conservation District is awarding Karen the title of Educator of the Year to thank her for her efforts and dedication to connect teachers and students with outside resources and for all that she does to support and encourage environmental literacy and stewardship. Normally this recognition would take place at our Annual Meeting, but this year is obviously different. She will be recognized with a press release from our office, as well as a plaque and small prize package which I hope to get to her next week. I wanted you to be aware she has been selected for this award so you can congratulate her at your building. Please let me know if you need any additional information from me or if there is anyone else that I should notify.
Best wishes,
Linda Pettit
Environmental Education Specialist
Franklin Soil and Water Conservation District
1404 Goodale Boulevard Suite 100, Columbus, OH 43212
614-486-9613 x115 or