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Superintendent's Weekly Wrap-up: Nov. 14-21, 2014

Superintendent’s Weekly Wrap-up: Nov. 14-21, 2014

Committee OKs Testing Limit, Axing Salary Schedule; Might Reverse on Reading Assessments - The House Education Committee passed an education omnibus measure along party lines Monday evening after hearing pushback from unions on a recent change that would eliminate state salary schedules for teachers. The panel also approved a bill to cap state-mandated testing at no more than four hours per year, with a few Republican members dissenting over how quickly the measure moved.

Committee members heard from officials with the Ohio Education Association and Columbus Education Association and received several written statements condemning last week's amendment to HB343 to eliminate state-law pay schedules that set a minimum teacher salary and ascending pay levels based on seniority and credentials.

After the committee Rep. Gerald Stebelton (R-Lancaster), said the committee is working on another amendment to HB343 that would reverse course on last week's changes to third grade reading tests. Stebelton said he recently learned it would cost $1.2 million to comply with last week's amendment to HB343, which would require students to take the third grade Ohio Achievement Assessment in reading rather than the new tests developed by the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC.) Stebelton said it might surface as a floor amendment.       Source: Hannah News Service

Testing Time Reduction Bill - The House gave a near-unanimous vote to HB228 (Brenner-Gonzales), which among other reforms will limit the amount of testing time per school year. Rep. Andrew Brenner (R-Powell) said the provisions would cut the amount of testing students face under new requirements being implemented by half. He said they felt the requirement was needed to rein in some of the tests and let the Ohio Department of Education know that it is the maximum number of hours that students should test.

Brenner said it is an issue the Legislature will have to continue to work on in the new year.

Rep. Teresa Fedor (D-Toledo) said she is "grateful for this bill," reading a letter from a teacher that shared stories of students in difficult situations. Fedor said that an 8- or 9-year-old should not be judged on a snapshot performance from a two-and-a-half hour test.

A floor amendment added by Brenner allows career center industry credentials to be substituted for certain tests.

The bill passed with four Republicans -- Reps. Lou Terhar (R-Cincinnati), Andrew Thompson (R-Marietta), Jim Butler (R-Dayton) and Ryan Smith (R-Bidwell) -- voting against it.       Source: Hannah News Service

Legislation being heard in the Education Committee

HB 303 Student Religious Expression Bill - This bill would change the Revised Code regarding student religious expression. Fourth Hearing and Possible Vote.

HB 303 Language

HB 303 Analysis

HB 304 Student Access to Public School Facilities Bill - This bill would change the Revised Code regarding student access to public school facilities. Fourth Hearing and Possible Vote.

HB 304 Language

HB 304 Analysis

HB 228 Elementary and Secondary Education Funding Bill  - This bill would address funding for Elementary and Secondary funding. Sixth Hearing and Possible Vote.

HB 228 Language

HB 228 Analysis

HB 343 Educational Programs For Citizens Without a Diploma Bill - This bill would change current law regarding educational programs for certain students and individuals who have not received a high school diploma. Eighth Hearing and Possible Vote.

HB 343 Language  

HB 343 Analysis

Source: Heather Bishoff, State Representative


Facts for Families – The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) offers information on child rearing topics ranging from bedwetting and discipline to depression and substance abuse. According to AACAP: “Not all children from infancy through their adolescent years without experiencing some bumps along the way. While every child is unique and special, sometimes they encounter emotions, feelings or behavior that cause problems in their lives and the lives of those around them. Families often worry when their child or teenager has difficulty coping with things, feels sad, can’t sleep, gets involved in drugs, or can’t get along with family and friends.” Facts for Families provides concise information on uses that affect children, teenagers, and their families as a public service. “Facts” is available in English, Spanish and Chinese. To access the resources go to:


HTHS Chamber Singers Deliver Once Again - On Saturday, November 15th, the Chamber Singers were invited to the Columbus Zoo Wildlights to carol during a private event sponsored by L Brands. Students spent three hours experiencing the Wildlights, which were not yet open to the public, and singing at different spots throughout the zoo. Many people stopped to ask where students were from and they were received with applause in each spot where they sang. The singers represented Hamilton with pride. This was the first of many Holiday performances for the Chamber Singers, and the earliest date they've ever had to know their repertoire.

High School Biology Staff Prepare for International Student Trip - Summer of 2015, Hamilton Township High School students and biology staff are going to Costa Rica to immerse themselves in the culture and biology of the region.  Mr. Carity, Mr. Kuenzli, and Ms. Avery have recently completed professional development to better prepare them to lead students on an international trip.  Mr. O’Brien will be attending in February.  The Education First Tour Company provided free professional development for the biology teachers.  The PD involved presentations given by two experienced group leaders (teachers who have taken 20 or more international trips) and several Education First staff members.  Experienced group leaders shared their experiences and methods of practice when leading groups of students internationally.  Discussions emphasized that what worked best one group may not be the best fit for our tour, but as educators and professionals group leaders can pick and choose best practices for Hamilton students.  The Education First staff was able to answer specific tour-related questions each teachers had, such as how group check-in at the airport will work.  Also, HS staff got first hand experience with the rigors, pace and style of Education First’s tours by participating in actual guided tours.  After completion of the professional development Mr. Carity, Ms. Avery, and Mr. Kuenzli feel confident the Costa Rica trip will be a safe and successful experience in a new culture and environment for our students.


Assessing to Learn - This year, the Hamilton Middle School Language Arts department is piloting a new online diagnostic tool called iReady. This tool allows teachers to evaluate students' current levels of preparedness, assess their growth over time, and prescribe areas for remediation and enrichment. Students take short online assessments regularly and the teachers are able to use the results to change, modify and adapt the instruction for the students to meet their individual needs. The teachers have really embraced this new technology! The students enjoy the online aspect and have really worked hard on these assessments.


HIS’s November Community Service Project: “Stuff a Stocking” - This month’s Community Service project will benefit the Community Partners of Southern Franklin County and their Christmas Assistance Program.  Please help us “Stuff a Stocking” for families in need this holiday season by sending in small gift items.  Most of the items at the Dollar Tree or in the Dollar Spot at Target and/or Walmart would be ideal for donating.  Please see the list below for some general ideas:  Lotion, Body Wash, Nail polish, Manicure/pedicure kits, Coloring books, Crayons, Stickers, Gel pens, Matchbox cars, Deck of cards, Hair accessories, Holiday themed trinkets, Silly putty, Action figures.

Helping To Keep Columbus Cozy - Thank you to everyone who donated a winter coat, hat and gloves to for the Intermediate’s October Coat Collection.  We were able to give The Salvation Army a total of 70 coats for this winter season.


Circleville Visit – The HES team welcomed teachers and administrators from Circleville to the building on Wednesday and Thursday for professional development. Circleville combined four elementary buildings into one large facility this year. Their staff was interested in learning from our staff how we made the adjustment when South and Central were combined. HES teachers and administrators shared strategies and experiences with our guests that will hopefully help them to make a successful transition. They were also very interested in our building schedule and intervention programs. They complimented the effectiveness and self-sufficiency of our teachers. This was a valuable experience for our staff to reflect on how far we have come as a building. One of their coordinators shared a very useful technology resource with us. In the end, this was an excellent collaboration with a fellow Mid-State league school. Relationships were developed where we will be able to consult with each other years to come.


Teacher of the Month: Mrs. Kim Schmauch - This is only Mrs. Schmauch's first year at the Preschool and she has already made a positive impact on her students and fellow teachers. “Kim is energetic, willing to help in any way she can, and spends countless hours after school and on the weekends to perfect her classroom and skills.” Kim is able to juggle many different tasks and meets the needs of all her students at the same time. She has many new and creative ideas to share with the staff at the Preschool. Kim has three children of her own and recently graduated from Ohio University.

We Are Thankful - This week in Mrs. Moore’s Class, the students participated in activities about Thanksgiving and turkeys.  The class read the story “Thanksgiving is for Giving Thanks” and discussed what it means to be “thankful”.  The students then had the opportunity to share what they were thankful for and write it on a feather. They decorated the feathers with all different kinds of materials and then they were used on the bulletin board for everyone to see!


Winter Sports Update - Hamilton Township High School and Hamilton Middle School winter athletic teams continue their preparations for their upcoming seasons.  Listed below are the first regular season contests for HS and MS teams:

  • 12/1/14 - Junior Varsity and Varsity Girls’ Basketball vs. Central Crossing at HTHS - 6:00pm
  • 12/1/14 - 7th and 8th Grade Girls’ Basketball vs. Circleville Everts MS at HSM - 5:00pm
  • 12/5/14 - Freshman, Junior Varsity, and Varsity Boys’ Basketball vs. Horizon Science at HTHS - 4:45pm
  • 12/6/14 - Junior Varsity Wrestling - Mac Sims Invitational Tournament at Groveport HS - 9:00am
  • 12/6/14 - Middle School Wrestling - Washington Courthouse Dual Tournament at Washington Courthouse - 10:00am
  • 12/8/14 - 7th and 8th Grade Boys’ Basketball vs. Bloom-Carroll at BC - 5:00pm
  • 12/9/14 - Varsity Wrestling - St. Charles Quad with Mount Gilead, Westerville North, and St. Charles at St. Charles - 6:30pm


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